Elizabeth Marie

fine art

& collaborations

Elizabeth Marie is an artist, author, and creative thinker who specializes in the creation of visual art and with the powerful use of the written word to move hearts into living life to its divine purpose.

As a blossomed business owner and innovative community leader, her art was exhibited in a myriad of locations including the prominent Gaylord Texan Hotel in Grapevine Texas.

Elizabeth, or E or Marie and even EMarie, since the idea of two first names is perplexing, she finds being addressed in a myriad of deviations of Elizabeth to be the call of her smile. In the decades she’s been on this planet, there have been few things that have been consistently hers, art and her keen connection to all that is spiritual.

She has a crazy wondrous life story, as most do, yet hers has a uniqueness that might surprise most. She knows that her being on this planet is designed as an inciteful communicator since her gifts and talents encompass the passion for creation. 

Her creativity is constantly flowing from brush to pencil to word. A righteously rich history of community involvement, public speaking, philanthropy, and business management enriches each piece of art she creates with each stroke of a brush. Her artistic sensations in business and in the realm of the creative arts have been featured online and in local and national magazines including TD Ameritrade Income Solutions, Mystic Mandala Experience, Inner Realm Magazine, Popular Ceramics, Denton Connection, The Chattanoogan.com, Dallas Business Journal, Denton Record-Chronicle and Pecan Grove Monthly Magazine, Greatwood Magazine, Fulshear Living Magazine, Fort Bend Herald Newspaper, Houston Voyage Magazine. Her art sells on Handmade on Amazon, Etsy, and at the Fort Bend Art Center in Rosenberg Texas. Her designs have been sold in Neiman Marcus, Horchow, and Spiegel catalogs. She’s a published Balboa Press author and illustrator and self-published through Amazon. Her degree in Communication Studies and Visual Art from the University of North Texas brought the first of its kind contemporary ceramic studio in Denton Texas. 





Elizabeth Marie is a bit of a fanatic about her outreach with her philanthropic visions. It brings her devotion to a life in which dreamers, especially those who see a book in their future. When she is not channeling her inner creativity, she speaks to audiences about the day in the life of an artist, intuitive manifesting with the angels, how we all are artists with divine gift. She has a great intuitive nature when having a conversation with her and offers individual coaching.


“Creativity that moves the soul to see the colors, taste the nectar, smell the fragrance, touch the texture, and hear the music is what I came here to share.”




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